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Morning Worship Service

Each week our congregation gathers to offer praise to God, to listen to God's word to us, and to enjoy the support and encouragement of our Christian community.

Sunday morning worship is held at 10:00 a.m., in our sanctuary.  Worship is also live-streamed on Facebook.

Children remain in the sanctuary for Children's Worship and then dismiss to Children's Sunday School. Loving care and age-appropriate lessons and activities are provided for Infants through 5th grade.

childrens lesson mpc fall 2022

Recent Sermons

February 16 -  Utmost Bliss

February 9 - So Many Fish

February 2 - Don't Kill the Messenger

January 26 - Don't Miss the Overture

January 19 - The First Miracle

January 12 - Your Sea is So Wide

January 5 - Here Be Dragons

December 29 - Looking for Jesus

December 24 - Worship of the Nativity of Christ

December 22 - Love Has Come

December 15 - The Word Proclaimed in Song

December 8 - His Gospel is Peace = No Fear of Failure

November 24 - The Realm of Truth

November 17 - Fullness of Joy

November 10 - God Loves a Giver

November 3 -  If Not Now, When

The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is celebrated on the First Sunday of each month, on Maundy Thursday and on Christmas Eve. 

Everyone who comes trusting in Jesus Christ may participate.  It is our custom to hold each element until all are served, then to partake together.

At present, in person worshippers receive Communion elements. Those worshipping virtually from home are invited to have bread or cracker and juice ready – we are united by the Holy Spirit across time and space.

