Present Day
Currently masks are not required but encouraged as needed during times of high transmission/illness within the community.
All of our services are offered both in person and online via Facebook livestream - "in the pews or in the views."
And, as always, we invite everyone in our congregation to continue to be in prayer for the health and safety of our community, our nation, and our world.
July 30, 2021
Dear Congregation Members and Friends,
Our church’s COVID policy group began meeting in February, 2020 each time that new information or guidance has been available. And this group, along with our Session, has put in place and modified policies to keep our worship, our gathering, and our life together safest for our congregation and our community.
After several months of declining risk factors, earlier this month these two bodies approved three changes effective August 1: resuming communion bread and cups to be distributed by elders (wearing masks) to the congregation, resuming the passing of offering plates, and having homemade refreshments, in addition to pre-packaged snacks, available during fellowship time.
Since then, cases began rising sharply, and the CDC issued new guidance on Tuesday of this week. On Thursday, July 29, our Presbytery also recommended that masks be worn indoors even among those who have been vaccinated in areas of substantial or high risk. Our COVID policy group had a called meeting that same day. When the group met, Madison County was still in the ‘moderate’ risk category, and the group decided to continue with plans for this Sunday, August 1.
But also at the meeting, the group looked at the possibility that our area health statistics would get worse, writing:
- If Madison County or a majority of its surrounding counties move into the orange (substantial) risk category, then Madison Presbyterian Church will ask those inside the building to wear masks; and our previous communion, offering, and fellowship practices will again be in place.
Note: We are monitoring VDH and Rappahannock-Rapidan Health District updates daily. If we were to move into the orange (substantial) risk category before this Sunday, then the mask policy will be in effect and we will not introduce the hoped-for changes to communion, offering, and fellowship.
Just this morning, Madison County has been moved into the ‘substantial’ risk category. Greene, Orange, and Page Counties are now rated ‘high.’ Rappahannock and Culpeper Counties are still at ‘moderate.’
Thus, in accordance with decisions made at our policy group’s meeting on July 29,
Effective this Sunday, August 1, all those entering our building are asked to wear masks, even if they have been vaccinated. Our practices for communion, offering, and fellowship will remain as they have been so far this summer.
We invite everyone in our congregation to continue to be in prayer for the health and safety of our community, our nation, and our world, as we see the worrying increases in cases and the stalling of vaccination rates here and across the country.
May 2021
1) We recommend that the mask restriction be lifted for vaccinated attendees but remain required for non-vaccinated individuals. An honor system will be utilized.
2) We recommend that contact tracing should continue by means of a sign in sheet. No temps or health questions are required. We recommend continued use of sign in sheets for the fellowship hall during the week. The sheets are to be kept for 30 days.
3) We agree to allow groups to resume using the fellowship hall and will begin to allow use of the kitchen after 5/28. We agree to allow the Fellowship Team of the church to begin using the kitchen and offering wrapped snacks as early as Sunday June 6. We will revisit this plan at the end of June.
4) We will continue to offer the current communion cups and wafers until the current inventory is gone or we meet in late June. Attendees are invited to BYO elements if they prefer.
5) Singing inside the sanctuary will continue to be restricted, at this time. This will be revisited at the end of June. Reciting prayers as a group in the sanctuary is permitted.
6) Social distancing restrictions will be less enforced. Ushers will be trained to asked attendees their preference and their desires will be accommodated.
7) We recommend discontinuing the cleaning/sanitation policy put in place for Covid, including eliminating the extra cleaning fee.
8) Weddings and Funerals will be permitted in the sanctuary per the Governor's guidelines active at the time. The Fellowship hall will also be available for receptions.
April 2021
Our worship services will be held in the church sanctuary or the church’s rear parking lot on Sundays at 10:00 am. Families or household groups will be appropriately distanced. When service is outdoors, if you prefer, for added safety, you can remain in your vehicle, roll down your windows and listen via the speakers, or listen via FM frequency. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us by Facebook livestream.
March 2021
On Sunday, March 7th, in-person worship in our sanctuary will resume, with all current COVID safety precautions and policies still in place. Our livestream continues on Facebook.
Church team and committee meetings, as well as special activities are slowly returning to our Fellowship Hall, while many groups continue to meet by Zoom. Community organizations wishing to inquire about our current building use policies may contact the church office for more information.
January/February 2021
Our worship services are livestreamed on our Facebook page each Sunday morning at 10:00 am; weekly worship packets can be emailed or mailed to congregants upon request.
Our church office remains open Monday – Thursday; check-in procedures, masking, and distancing protocols remain in place.
December 2020
As of December 22, 2020, in-person worship services have been suspended again, based on continuing assessment of Madison and surrounding counties' new cases and positivity statistics.
Our church office remains open Monday - Thursday; check-in procedures, masking, and distancing protocols remain in place. Church meetings continue primarily through Zoom; select, small in-person gatherings may be approved on request.
October 2020
Due to the Coronavirus and federal, state and POJ guidelines, Madison Presbyterian Church has implemented changes to our worship plans and church use policy.
Sunday morning worship is held at 10:00 a.m. in our Fellowship Hall and live-streamed on our Facebook page.
For those who choose to attend in person, our ushers will welcome you and explain our COVID-era check-in procedures.
- Masks are required
- Temperature checks, a health questionnaire, and contact information are taken as you arrive.
- Physical distancing is maintained in our welcome area, and beyond, as ushers guide each group or family to their seats inside.
Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. In-person worshippers receive pre-packaged, sealed Communion elements with juice and a wafer. Those worshipping virtually from home are invited to have bread or cracker and juice ready – we are united by the Holy Spirit across time and space.
Should you have any questions, needs, concerns, or wish to talk with someone about anything or everything, please do not hesitate to call the church office at 540-948-6972.
Our main concern is for everyone to stay healthy.