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Building Team

The Building Team oversees the church buildings, parking lots, and equipment. In 2020, much of their focus was on sanitation and cleaning, including an upgrade of furnace air filters, to limit transmission of COVID-19. They also maintain the Columbarium.

Grounds Team

The Grounds Team oversees the church property, regularly mowing and trimming the church lawns. Other activities include mulching the grounds every spring, leading occasional clean up and pruning events, and caring for the four floral planters outside the church and fellowship buildings.

Finance Team

The Finance Team oversees and organizes the financial life of the congregation, overseeing policies and procedures, reviewing financial reports, developing the annual budget, and maintaining the long-range financial plans.

Personnel Team

The Personnel Team oversees policies and  procedures related to church staff, including performance reviews, job descriptions and contracts, and filling staffing vacancies.

Stewardship Team

The Stewardship Team creates an ongoing emphasis on faithful stewardship. Periodically throughout the year, Minutes for Stewardship during worship explain the theology and practice of stewardship in the lives of an individual and a congregation. Their efforts increase the understanding and support for the congregational budget. 

Transition Team

The Transition Team was elected by the Session to help prepare us to call a new minister. Learn more about this process.